Corporate Event Dueling Pianos Shows
When planning entertainment for a corporate event, you have certain criteria in mind. If the performance is going to be at the end of an event (such as a year-end awards ceremony), you want the show to be engaging and fun to retain as much of your audience as possible. If the show is for the length of the event (such as a conference-opening cocktail reception), you want as much bang for your buck as possible to increase the appreciation your guests laud on you for providing the entertainment. No matter what the format, a dueling piano show fits the bill. And Midwest Dueling Pianos is one of the most highly acclaimed production companies in the country for these very specific types of events.
Our most common corporate show will be performed to adhere to a PG-13 Rating. If you want the show to be squeaky-clean, or if you prefer the entertainment to be a bit more risqué, we can tailor the show to fit your needs. We can provide our premium entertainment for large corporations, small family owned businesses, and everyone in between.